Ruta Verde

Urnieta Pitch & Putt


Ruta 365
Special offer

50% discount on the price of the green fee, according to official rate

Every day of the week, including holidays (except the day to be held some competition)

Urnieta Pitch & Putt
Barrio Xoxoka, subida al Adarra, km 2 ​GI 3721
20130 Urnieta, Gipuzkoa
+34 ​620 876 534


How to go?

Urnieta Pitch & Putt

Urnieta Pitch & Putt is the only “NATURAL” golf course in the Basque Country. Despite its differences with them, it resembles a Scottish “LINKS”, which instead of being by the sea, is in the mountains.

A course without artificial installations of drainage, pipes, irrigation sprinklers, layers of sand, grass turf..., that is, maintaining the native grass species, which complicates its maintenance, but without environmental modification in its prairie format . Only made up of different cutting heights of the herbs that form it, depending on whether it is GREEN, CALLE and/or ROUGH (“raff”).

Urnieta Pitch & Putt trade agreements

We have special agreements for our users with three magnificent rural houses(very well rated in the sector) and with a very close proximity of 5 minutes from our field. All three are going to offer special conditions to the players who visit us, citing the reference "RUTA 365" when they establish an "INQUIRY" contact with them.

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Altube, Araba/Álava


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Mungia, Bizkaia


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Ruta 365


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