Ruta Verde

Hotel Golf Palacio Urgoiti


Ruta 365
Special offer

-Route 365 special price on the green fee of €16 from Monday to Sunday(both for 9 and 18 holes) for all players even if they are not staying at the hotel ( this offer could only be unique per year per player)


-10 % discount on hotel accommodation , on a Double Room basis with breakfast included

Reservations, according to hotel rates, must be made directly at the hotel,either by phone by calling +34 946746868 or by sending an email to

Hotel Golf Palacio Urgoiti
Arritugane s/n
48100 Mungia, Bizkaia
+34 94 674 68 68

Alojamiento Alojamiento

How to go?

Hotel Golf Palacio Urgoiti

The golf course has 9 holes in the Pitch & Putt – Par 3 modality.

The length of the holes ranges between 90m and 120m . It is an integrated field in the middle of nature. T he route runs between oak and pine centenarians. Each hole has two exits to play 18 holes.

Surrounded by mountains, its designer, Roger Jordana, has managed t razar an R fieldbroaching the landscape and native species c uyo end result is u n t echnical fieldwhere implement a good approach.

Link hotel,

Restaurant link,

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Ruta 365


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