Ruta Castilla

Escuela de Golf de la RFGM


Ruta 365
Special offer

Free ball card with a €5 top-up
Second green fee of 9 holes €5 (same day)
Escuela de Golf de la RFGM
Ctra de La Coruña, km7 Escuela de Golf de la FGM
28035 , Madrid
+34 91 376 87 70


How to go?

Escuela de Golf de la RFGM

The course of the Golf School of the Golf Federation of Madrid presents 9 holes of Pares 3 and par 54, for around 1,600 meters from yellow bars.

Located in the Puerta de Hierro Sports Park (former Trade Union Park), it has beenoffering a fun short course since 2004, ideal for learning, but also for competing and enjoying the challenge of its small greens and the traps that defend them.

In addition, the Golf School has a large practice area (both a long game battery with 72 positions, and an extensive and versatile short game area), ideal for learning and practicing before a round.

The School also offers swing analysis using the FlightScope technique and different activities for adults and children.

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Arroyo de la Encomienda, Valladolid


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Ruta 365


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